By Chloe Hill

The Supported Forward Leaning Position to Aid Diaphragmatic Breathing

After you run a race or hike a steep incline you may feel compelled to lean forward with your hands on your knees to catch your breath. There’s a fancy name for what you do there with your body – it’s called  supported forward leaning position (also called “tripod” position). This position allows the diaphragm to work more efficiently and take over most of the breathing work (from the chest muscles) which facilitates deeper easier breathing.

Doctors and physical therapists sometimes recommend using this position as an adjunct to medical treatment for people with chronic lung disease when breathing becomes difficult.

Hypnap TruRest

Although resting in the forward leaning position may seem like a foreign concept, it is actually quite common and a natural part of human behavior. For example, we frequently lean forward on our elbows with our heads in our hands to rest, or with our heads resting on our folded arms on a table to nap.

That’s why our Hypnap TruRest supports the user in the lean forward position. This position eases the work of the chest muscles and engages the diaphragm to facilitate deeper easier breathing. Just like when you lean over after a long run. More air can enter the lungs improving healthy functioning of the body and stimulating the relaxation response.

Allow Hypnap to help you incorporate more mindful, healthful breathing into your routine whether it be on an airplane, in the office or at home!

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